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The Model Prayer: Our Father

The Model Prayer: Our Father

Ronan Keane

The Bible records many instances of Jesus praying. Sometimes He prayed all night (Luke 6:12). Other times He got up before dawn to pray alone (Mark 1:35). On occasion He... »



Maria Fontaine

If today was your last day of life and you knew it, how much time would you spend on things that are insignificant in the scope of eternity? Your minutes would be extreme... »

Prayer Pointers

Prayer Pointers

Praise and thank the Lord before presenting requests to Him. Psalm 95:2: Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of... »

God’s Delays Are Not Denials

God’s Delays Are Not Denials

Each of us has experienced disappointment when things didn’t work out the way we wanted them to, and if we had prayed for that outcome that didn’t happen, we were doubly... »

Faith Now and Forever

Faith Now and Forever

Maria Fontaine

We can go through life and miss some of the things that God is trying to teach us if we don’t intentionally seek to learn from God. Some things are obvious, but others ar... »

The Joyful Heart

The Joyful Heart

Marie Alvero

As followers of Jesus, “grateful” should be our default setting when we consider that Jesus died to redeem us from an eternity of being separated from God. This should pu... »

Communion Through Worship

Communion Through Worship

Maria Fontaine

When we dwell on the goodness of God, His goodness surrounds us and pervades our thoughts and attitudes. When we think faith-filled thoughts and speak faith-filled words,... »

A Communion Prayer

A Communion Prayer

O Lord, my God, my inseparable companion—nothing can sever my branch from Your vine (John 15:5). Whether or not I feel You near, You are always with me. Thank You that Yo... »

God’s Presence

God’s Presence

Message from Jesus

Even if you lost all the material goods of the entire world but still held on to your faith, then you would have ultimately lost nothing. If you have faith, no unscalable... »

The rewards of giving

The rewards of giving

Rosane Pereira

I live in a nice neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro, far from the city center and close to nature. My house is 1,300 meters from the main road. Since the buses only drive on... »