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A new beginning

A new beginning

Steve Hearts

While in this life, it is hard to understand why God allows pain, suffering, tragedy, and so on, I do know beyond a doubt that He can cause all things to work together fo... »

The best is yet to be

The best is yet to be

Keith Phillips

Odd, isn’t it, how our perceptions change as we age. When I was very small, my brother, who was all of 18 months older, defined “big.” When I was in 1st grade, I thought... »

The right path

The right path

Uday Paul

A friend of mine told me about an incident that occurred after he attended a Bible study and was driving home. While he was stopped at a traffic light, a delivery boy on... »

The book of Ruth

The book of Ruth

Marie Alvero

The Book of Ruth is a neat little nugget tucked away in the historical part of the Bible. It’s only four chapters, told in the narrative. One of the interesting things ab... »

My plan or yours?

My plan or yours?

Message from Jesus

I want you to experience My joy and Presence in your life. I have answers to your questions, solutions to your problems, and insight into the complex situations you encou... »

Jesus and the cobbler

Jesus and the cobbler

Ronan Keane

One of my favorite Christmas stories is about an elderly cobbler who dreamed one Christmas Eve that Jesus would visit him the next day.[[This version was adapted and shor... »

The last stocking

The last stocking

G. L. Ellens

Every year at Christmas, my friend Ira and I get together to assemble Christmas stockings for the orphans at two nearby orphanages. It gives us a lot of happiness to do t... »

The birth of Jesus

The birth of Jesus

Peter Amsterdam

The story of Jesus’ life begins with the story of His birth, as told in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. The Old Testament foretold His coming, revealing specific informa... »

Amazed, treasured, and pondered

Amazed, treasured, and pondered

Sally García

[After hearing the angel announce the birth of Christ, the shepherds] hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.  When they had see... »

Finding the purpose of Christmas

Finding the purpose of Christmas

After a couple of low-key Christmases in a row, due to health restrictions prompted by the pandemic, many of us have shifted to simpler, more intimate celebrations. Doing... »

Lonely at Christmas?

Lonely at Christmas?

Curtis Peter van Gorder

If you’re feeling lonely this Christmas, you’re not alone. Sad Christmas songs are popular because they strike a responsive chord in many. For a number of people, Christm... »