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I think I get it

I think I get it

Jessie Richards

I boarded the plane that would take me home from a visit to Toronto, Canada. A gentleman came and sat in the seat beside me, talking on his iPhone. I recognized his South... »

The faithful One

The faithful One

Sally García

One of my favorite verses comes right around the middle of the Bible: “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in people.”[[Psalm 118:8 NLT]] The entire psa... »



Joyce Suttin

A retelling of 1 Kings 17:8–16 “Have you something for me to eat, something to drink?” the unassuming stranger asked. “I’m weak from hunger and weary from my journey. Ple... »

Becky’s gift

Becky’s gift

Curtis Peter van Gorder

Becky was a fellow student I sat next to in 5th grade some 50 years ago. Something reminded me of her this morning and, one thing leading to another, a whole host of memo... »

Empathy and compassion

Empathy and compassion

Simon Bishop

Recently, I read a post that gave an interesting perspective on the stay-home orders or lockdowns throughout the world during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. The author sai... »

That big love

That big love

Marie Alvero

“Above all things have fervent love for one another, for ‘love will cover a multitude of sins.’”[[1 Peter 4:8]] I have always been aware of love overlooking mistakes, ina... »

Start anew, start today

Start anew, start today

Message from Jesus

Much of life is all about the little decisions you make every day. Decisions of the past have had their effect, but every new day can be a new start. No matter what has h... »

Looking to tomorrow

Looking to tomorrow

Ronan Keane

Through this journey called life, we experience good, bad, ups, and downs, and often we haven’t got a clue what’s ahead. We make the best choices we can and try to live c... »

Being fearless

Being fearless

Joyce Suttin

I was thinking about being fearless today. There is so much talk about being fearless, becoming a strong, stubborn, determined person who won’t be afraid of anything. But... »

An unusual start to the New Year

An unusual start to the New Year

G. L. Ellens

I started off the new year losing my suitcase while traveling. It wasn’t the greatest start, but in fact, I learned so much through the experience. I was on a return flig... »

The call

The call

Koos Stenger

“Charley! Where are you?” At first, we weren’t worried. Our black Labrador loved nothing better than to race through the forest alongside us on the dusty path, sniffing r... »