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Three shocking days

Three shocking days

Ronan Keane

When we think of the days between the Passion and Easter, most of the time we’re thinking about Jesus’ disciples who had very suddenly lost their teacher, best friend, an... »

No fear in love

No fear in love

Anna Perlini

How envious I was of the people who could! Not only strong men and women, but even children and the elderly seemed to enjoy it so much and feel so at ease in it, whereas... »

The uniqueness of Jesus

The uniqueness of Jesus

Alex Peterson

To historians, the facts regarding Jesus are as definite and evident as those of Julius Caesar. Not only do we find an accurate portrait of Him in the documents of the Ne... »

The reward of joy

The reward of joy

David Bolick

The pages of history and fiction are populated by the labors, sacrifices, and heroic deeds of countless men and women who were rewarded in a variety of ways, ranging from... »

The eyewitness

The eyewitness

—An account of Jesus’ arrest as told by the high priest’s servant, Malchus The past 24 hours have been disturbing, terrifying, wonderful. It started with an order from Ca... »

We know the ending

We know the ending

Marie Alvero

I’m the gal who likes to read the last page of the book. I like to know the ending before I commit to reading the entire story. I enjoy looking up spoilers while watching... »

The gift of faith

The gift of faith

Iris Richard

Recently, while I was waiting for my appointment in the lounge of a local business, I watched a large screen displaying the company’s products. Each one was given a “befo... »

How inner change works

How inner change works

Question: You say that God can and wants to turn my personal weaknesses into strong points. I’ve prayed for that, but so far nothing has changed. Why doesn’t God answer m... »

The pearl diver

The pearl diver

Simon Bishop

I once read a story about an Indian pearl diver who refused to be convinced by his friend, a foreign missionary, that salvation could be as simple as accepting Jesus as h... »

Shiny new shoes

Shiny new shoes

Koos Stenger

“I don’t want those shoes!” I whined. “I want those!” I pointed to another pair, which to my inexperienced six-year-old mind seemed a lot better than the ones both the sa... »

Eternal love

Eternal love

Message from Jesus

When I say I love you, just you, I am talking to each of My children from every walk of life. I’m talking to those who feel far away and distant from My love. I am talkin... »

An acquired taste

An acquired taste

Ronan Keane

Every December 31st, millions of people with the best intentions in the world make resolutions to change something about themselves over the coming year. If you were one... »



Keith Phillips

The evening of December 9, 1914, an explosion set fire to a large scientific laboratory in West Orange, New Jersey. At least ten buildings were destroyed, along with year... »