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Our identity in Christ

Our identity in Christ

Maria Fontaine

What makes up our identity? We are born into this world with many traits, such as gender, ethnicity, nationality, and various strengths and weaknesses. Our culture and en... »

Get into the water

Get into the water

Chris Mizrany

—A Lesson from Roses It all started when someone gave my wife a beautiful bouquet of white and pink roses. Somehow, they ended up on the kitchen counter while she looked... »

The bride price

The bride price

Uday Paul

I recently married a wonderful Ugandan woman who I met on my first mission trip to Africa some years ago. Our relationship eventually deepened, and we felt God leading us... »

Golden repairs

Golden repairs

Amy Joy Mizrany

A book I was reading mentioned a form of Japanese pottery repair called kintsugi. This means “golden joinery” or “golden repairs” and it is the art of fixing broken potte... »

The benefits of a positive attitude

The benefits of a positive attitude

Simon Bishop

Henry Ford once said, “If you think you can or if you think you can’t—you’re right.” This mirrors a truth found in the Proverbs: “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he”... »

We are his workmanship

We are his workmanship

Steve Hearts

I think one thing that hinders many of us from truly knowing and living in our identity in Christ is the tendency to compare ourselves with others and to sometimes try ha... »

Who am I?

Who am I?

Keith Phillips

Some things never change—the question “Who am I?” for example. That search for self is a universal, God-created experience. One thing that has changed in the last generat... »

The heart spa

The heart spa

The advertisement said: This summer you can show off the perfect body for only $600! It was an offer that she couldn’t resist, and she decided to make an appointment. She... »

Your Eternal Identity

Your Eternal Identity

Message from Jesus

My love for you is so great that it propelled Me to undertake My mission on Earth to reclaim you and raise you up to new life. I died so that you might find the way, the... »

Follow Me

Follow Me

As Jesus traveled throughout Palestine sharing His message of God’s forgiveness and love, “Follow me” was an invitation He often extended. Take for example this passage i... »

A Love Story

A Love Story

Ronan Keane

In the Bible, God often uses metaphors or word pictures to describe our relationship with Him; for example, a shepherd and sheep (John 10:7–15), a father and child (2 Cor... »

Seeking First His Kingdom

Seeking First His Kingdom

When Jesus was preparing His disciples for His imminent death, He reassured them with these words: “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him,... »