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The teenager

The teenager

Marie Alvero

There are hundreds of books and blogs on raising children. You can find umpteen ways to sleep train your baby, wear your baby, feed your toddler, teach kids to read, and... »



Message from Jesus

The surest way to help your loved ones get off to a great start each day is by starting the day with love. Easier said than done, you might say, when you’re just waking u... »

Kindness without limits

Kindness without limits

Ronan Keane

In the last few years, there have been no shortages of global crises. On the one hand, the illness, conflict, and suffering we see on the news can breed fear and paint a... »

Doing what I can

Doing what I can

Simon Bishop

Each month I try to reflect on what I have been able to accomplish in my mission work and personal life. This month has had some trying moments and a few disappointments... »

The good Samaritan

The good Samaritan

Peter Amsterdam

Many of us are familiar with the parable of the good Samaritan in Luke 10:25–37. However, because we live in cultures very different from that of first-century Palestine,... »

Vanessa’s angels

Vanessa’s angels

Steve Larson

The sun was slipping below the horizon as I drove up the narrow two-lane road in central Mexico. I glanced at my wife, Amber, sleeping next to me. In the rearview mirror,... »

11 ways to say “I love you”

11 ways to say “I love you”

If you’re looking for ways to make those you love feel special and appreciated, here are a few ideas to get you started. Put it into words. Those three little words—“I lo... »

The good place

The good place

In my high school literature class, we studied Jean-Paul Sartre’s play No Exit, in which hell’s occupants are confined to a room and have nothing to do but engage in frui... »

All things to all people

All things to all people

Uday Paul

The Bible tells us, “Do not be shaped by this world.”[[Romans 12:2 NCV]] It also tells us to “become all things to all people.”[[1 Corinthians 9:22 ESV]] At first glance,... »

Motivating rewards

Motivating rewards

Marie Alvero

“We have to pay for school lunches this year,” my daughter informed me after the first day of school. I already knew this. During the previous school year, the school dis... »

More blessed

More blessed

I know you struggle with not always feeling My love. You wish it could be tangible and feel more real at times. You wish you could feel My presence when you need comfort,... »