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Christmas hope

Christmas hope

Sally García

In February 2010, an earthquake and tsunami struck Constitución, Chile. The next Christmas, some friends and I planned to take boxes of aid to the many families who were... »

The meaning of Christmas

The meaning of Christmas

Amy Joy Mizrany

It’s Christmas, and I love to sing! It’s almost a subconscious action at this point—whether I’m walking or sitting or on my phone, I’ll be singing. It’s something I do th... »

A simpler kind of Christmas

A simpler kind of Christmas

Joyce Suttin

I have taken a good hard look at my life this year. Seeing all the stuff I had gathered and realizing how happy others could be if I gave it away, I have simplified and d... »

Christmas oranges

Christmas oranges

Curtis Peter van Gorder

Our family has a longstanding Christmas Day tradition of sharing tangerines before opening our presents. It’s a way to remember our grandparents and great-grandparents wh... »

How to share Jesus’ love at Christmastime!

How to share Jesus’ love at Christmastime!

Question: I would like to make this coming Christmas more meaningful for me and my family than past Christmases, but I don’t know where to start. Any suggestions? Answer:... »

The best gift

The best gift

Keith Phillips

Can you imagine being given a Christmas gift and not opening it for 20 years? Well, that’s exactly what I did. Year after year I unwrapped all of my other gifts and enjoy... »

Christmases past and present

Christmases past and present

Chris Mizrany

Every year, Christmas comes too fast. That’s not to say I don’t look forward to it, as I surely do, along with all the little joys, decorations, and memories forged over... »

When you aren’t ready

When you aren’t ready

Marie Alvero

Each year, December 25th comes around whether we’re ready or not. We often talk about how there’s so much we still need to get done, how we’re short on time and money, et... »

Gift exchange

Gift exchange

Message from Jesus

The first Christmas was My Father’s gift of love to the world, but it was also His gift to you personally. And it was a “gift that keeps on giving.” For those who witness... »

The grateful leper

The grateful leper

Ronan Keane

The Gospel of Luke tells us that as Jesus was making His way to Jerusalem for His final Passover, ten men who had leprosy approached Him and called out from a distance, “... »

The road to happiness

The road to happiness

Keith Phillips

When asked what it means to praise God, my then-four-year-old grandson Logan explained, “It’s when we tell God, ‘Good job!’” I chuckled when I heard that, but it got me t... »

Thanking God in advance by faith

Thanking God in advance by faith

Maria Fontaine

In the last few years, I’ve faced various situations where I had no idea how they could possibly be solved. Sometimes, it seemed as if they didn’t have solutions. However... »