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Peace—the steadfast fruit

Peace—the steadfast fruit

Rafael Holding

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law”.[Galatians 5:22–23]... »

I'll take the mountain

I'll take the mountain

Theresa Koltes

As the car kept winding up, up, up, I couldn’t help but wonder if our friend’s house had been built on the very top of the mountain. Darkness had fallen by the time my si... »

Living without stress

Living without stress

Maria Fontaine

Stress is one of the big “joy killers” that God wants to free us from. Stress makes it difficult to operate and is a cause of terrible unhappiness, illness, and even deat... »

Snail patrol

Snail patrol

Jessie Richards

Today I went for a walk with the kids in the countryside surrounding the village in which we live, an area consisting of farmland, dirt paths, and small woods. The weathe... »

Keeping God in the picture

Keeping God in the picture

Abi May

Peace comes not from the absence of trouble, but from the presence of God.—Author unknown Let the peace of God rule in your hearts.—Colossians 3:15 To have peace reign in... »

Peace, be still

Peace, be still

Message from Jesus

I can give you peace that defies understanding, [See Philippians 4:7.] that calms storms, and that overcomes stress and worry. The storms may come and the waves may rise,... »

Fullness of joy

Fullness of joy

Keith Phillips

I was 20 when I first read the gospels. That was also when I began to form my own thoughts about God and Jesus. Until then my beliefs had been sketchy at best and based o... »

Living hope

Living hope

Elena S.

I grew up in a Christian home and have been familiar with the Easter story since childhood, but it wasn't until last year that I discovered what Easter means for me perso... »

He’s alive!

He’s alive!

Peter Amsterdam

It had been about three years since they had answered the call to follow Jesus. Each had his own story. Nathanael was told he was “an Israelite indeed, in whom is no dece... »

Joy—the sunshine fruit

Joy—the sunshine fruit

Rafael Holding

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law”.[Galatians 5:22–23]... »

A breath of fresh air

A breath of fresh air

Chalsey Dooley

It was a particularly hot, muggy summer day, and Jeffrey and I had already been traveling for a few hours when we plopped down in a stuffy bus station waiting room in nor... »

An imperfect world

An imperfect world

Chalsey Dooley

It was just a little thing, that smile on my baby’s face, but it changed my perspective on life. As he woke and looked up at me, he was looking at what mattered most in t... »

Mayan civilization

Mayan civilization

Anna Ranta

When our volunteer work took my husband Andrew, our daughter Angelina, and me from Europe to Central America, we were blessed with the wonderful opportunity to visit a pe... »