The beginning of a new year is such an interesting time. We often think back over our experiences of the past year as well as look ahead to what the new year will bring. It can be encouraging to see the challenges met, the victories won, the progress made, the commitments carried through, and the blessings we’ve had throughout the previous year. It’s also a time to assess areas where we had hoped we’d make headway but didn’t quite live up to our aspirations. Perhaps there’s something to learn from the hard times and difficulties—or even some outright failures—that we experienced.

As the door to the new year opens, and while you are thinking about the resolutions or commitments you will make, this is also a good time to put some thought and prayer into your relationship with Jesus, your prayer life, your service, your giving. The tasks of supporting ourselves and our families, raising and educating our children, taking care of our daily needs, are all vital responsibilities and part of what builds a better future in this life and world; yet we are reminded of what Jesus told His followers: “Desire first and foremost God’s kingdom and God’s righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” 1

Making commitments to our relationship with God, to basing our values on His teachings, can and will make a difference in our daily lives throughout our lifetime and in the hereafter as well. These commitments will make us more Christlike in our interactions with others and a greater blessing to our families, friends, and loved ones—better individuals, more godly human beings. That’s worth committing to.

  1. Matthew 6:33 CEB