No doubt about it, today’s culture challenges faith. Judeo-Christian values may have provided the foundation for modern morality in many countries, but culture today is pushing back on these basic principles.

I work in corporate America. My company promotes many ideologies I don’t agree with. My kids go to secular school and are regularly confronted with teachings that are not in line with the Bible. Most of the media actively tears down our Christian beliefs, whether subtly or in terribly obvious ways. And sometimes this all sits heavy on my heart.

Some years ago, I realized that I had to level up my faith. I couldn’t just respond to some challenges with a Bible verse, because the question isn’t so much what does the Bible say about this, but rather, is the Bible actually true? Is Jesus really who He said He is? And even if there is a God, is He worthy of my loyalty?

I realized I needed to know more. So I dug a lot deeper. I familiarized myself with harder questions and deeper biblical answers. I realized that as a follower of Jesus it is my responsibility to be able to articulate, even to myself initially, the reason why I believe the truths of the Bible. I realized it is my responsibility to protect and strengthen my faith.

First Peter 3:15 tells us: “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear” (NKJV).

As followers of Jesus, there are lots of things we need to do to be in the world, but not of the world. (See John 17:14–16.) It all comes down to really knowing and loving Jesus and growing in understanding His Word.

How Christians are to respond to today’s culture is always a hot topic. It can be confusing. But I don’t want my faith to slip away, so I let the questions asked push me to find the answers in God’s Word. I wrestle with things and hack away at issues bit by bit. This helps me be able to give an answer to whomever asks of me, and many times, that answer is first to myself.