On a recent family visit I took a walk around the neighborhood with my grandson and had a great opportunity to hear some of his deepest yearnings and thoughts. This allowed me to get to know him better and to enjoy an invaluable moment of closeness and companionship with him. The same thing happens when we walk with God. We find His will for us, and we feel His presence, intimacy, and assurance, which deepens our knowledge of Him.

This month’s Activated magazine explores the different aspects of walking closely with God—not “afar off” (Matthew 26:58 KJV), but side by side, communing and conversing with Him, maybe planning together, or simply enjoying each other’s company. To be in step with God we need to maintain a dialogue with Him in our everyday actions, as brought out in the articles of this issue.

When the Bible speaks of “walking,” it often refers to a lifestyle. If we want to incorporate Christian principles into our life, we will walk with Jesus, follow Him, and live for Him. Walking with God must be a daily exercise if we are to stay in close fellowship with Him. In the article on page 3, Marie Alvero compares it to consistently working out at the gym. It also means to glorify God daily, as brought out in the feature article on pages 4–6.

To walk with God means that we are in agreement, that we are walking in the same direction (Amos 3:3 NKJV). And if we are to enjoy its full benefits, we must walk humbly (Micah 6:8).

The biblical term “walking” also evokes the image of a journey or a pilgrimage—it’s more than saying, “I’m going for a walk in the park, I’ll be right back.” It means that our hearts are set on a pilgrimage, walking side by side with Jesus, gaining strength daily, until we encounter Him face to face in Heaven.

All this “walking” might sound tiring, but paradoxically, walking with God leads to rest and renewal, as the Shepherd leads us by still waters (Psalm 23:1–2). It is a fascinating adventure! True, it has its challenges, but God promises to give us the strength, guidance, and wisdom to navigate them.

May the articles in this issue bless you as you walk daily with Jesus.