Forbes magazine printed an article about the importance of humility for success in today’s world. In a society that values self-promotion and individualism, humility is often overlooked as a desirable trait. However, as the future of the workplace evolves, humility is becoming increasingly more important. By examining the changing world and exploring what the Bible teaches us about humility, we can embrace this skill and become better leaders and collaborators.

As technology and innovation continue to shape the workforce, the need for humility is more pressing than ever. The rise of artificial intelligence and automation has led to the displacement of many jobs, and the jobs that remain often require a new set of skills. Soft skills, such as communication, adaptability, and collaboration, are taking the fore. Those who are humble are more likely to be adaptable, open to new ideas, and willing to learn from others, which is essential in an industry that requires collaboration and cross-functional teams.

Christians are well fitted for the future because we recognize the importance of humility from God’s perspective. The Bible has much to say about its importance and features examples of leaders who were known for their humility. Jesus is the best example of humility. The Gospel of Matthew describes His entrance into Jerusalem: “Behold, your king is coming to you, humble and mounted on a donkey” (Matthew 21:5). Paul also tells Timothy, a young church leader, “Be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people” (2 Timothy 2:24 NLT).

Society at large might look at humility as a way to gain respect and influence others; the Bible, however, emphasizes humility as a way to serve and honor God. Believers can bridge this gap by viewing humility as a way to both honor God and to build strong relationships with others.

Cultivating humility is a lifelong process, but there are some practical steps we can take to develop this important virtue. One way is to practice active listening, which involves truly hearing and understanding what others are saying. Another is to admit our mistakes and take responsibility for them, rather than blaming others. Finally, we can cultivate humility by serving others and putting their needs ahead of our own.

Proverbs 22:4 says, “The reward for humility and fear of the Lord is riches and honor and life.” By embracing humility, we honor God and can build a better world.