My steadfast love for you never ceases and My mercies never come to an end. They are renewed every morning in My faithfulness to you (Lamentations 3:22–23). So give thanks in all things and rest in the hope of the glorious future I have promised you. When you face earthly trials, grief or disappointments, you can find shelter in My grace, and joy in the promise that I have prepared a place for you where you will be with Me forever (John 14:1–3).

The challenges and tests of this life are steppingstones to My grace and the passageway to glory. Problems and disappointments help to draw you closer to Me, where you can experience My power and unfailing love, and My glory can rest upon you.

Everything that you face in life—the gains and losses and everything in between—is meant to bring you into closer communion with Me. I will give you treasures from the darkness and reveal to you hidden riches from the secret places so that you may know that I am the Lord your God who calls you by your name (Isaiah 45:3).

Your disappointments become My holy appointments as you draw close to Me and glorify Me in all things. Remember that I do all things well toward you in My faithfulness and everlasting love for you. In the day when righteousness will be poured down and My glory will cover the earth, you will rejoice forevermore and dwell in My eternal joy (Habakkuk 2:14).