When our family moved to a new country for my husband’s work, we heard distressing stories about the process to obtain a local driver’s license. My new friends told me of the hours spent in a driving course, taking the written exam, and finally a practical test in the local language. I heard of someone who had to take the exam three times, and another who waited a year for final approval. My head spun. With my children in school and my husband often away, being able to drive was an absolute necessity.

On the morning of the day that my husband and I went to do our paperwork, the office was packed, and the line didn’t seem to be moving at all. My husband wanted to drive to another office, but by then it was the lunch rush hour, and we eventually decided to wait until the afternoon.

So we enjoyed a nice lunch with friends, picked up our daughter from school, and then went to the government office to apply for our new resident IDs. On the way, we all decided that we would remain positive and trust that everything was going to work out.

Upon arrival we were greeted, given a number, and then almost immediately called to the window. The entire process for our new IDs took barely 15 minutes, and we decided to go to the office of transportation next to apply for my driver’s license. When we were called to proceed to the window, I could hear God’s still, small voice telling me to remain calm because everything was going to work out. I filled out my personal information and was told to pay the fee and leave my license with the clerk.

A few minutes later, I was called up again—to be told that the paperwork had been accepted! “Congratulations!” the clerk said as she handed me my new driver’s license. I was overwhelmed with emotion and gratitude to Jesus for being concerned about something that was seemingly small in the great scheme of things but so important to me.

It’s often in small ways like this that God reveals His presence, His power, and His love. We need to remember to ask God to teach us to hear His voice and follow His leadings. We can’t do it all on our own; that’s why He says, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”1

  1. Matthew 7:7 KJV