Several years ago, one of my neighbors was a shy 10-year-old girl with very inquisitive eyes and a big smile.

One day, Eve mentioned her dream of learning to play the piano. Unfortunately, it was all her parents could do to put food on the table for the family of eight, and they couldn’t afford to get her a piano, much less pay for lessons. Our conversation soon moved on to other things, but all I could think of was my old dusty keyboard stashed away in my cupboard for many years, and all the piano lessons I had taken as a child, which I hadn’t been thankful for at that time. I remembered the Bible verse: “Freely you have received, freely give.”1

I asked Eve if she’d let me teach her, and her eyes lit up. “I would love that!” she exclaimed.

So it was that she started coming over for free classes and practice. We shared wonderful moments together, during which I was also able to introduce Jesus to her. On lesson days, when I got home from work, she was always eagerly waiting at my door with her music sheets.

Eventually, our paths parted, but we’ve kept in touch over the years. She now has a family of her own, and no, she hasn’t become a professional pianist, but she can play well enough to bring joy to her own life and to teach her children.

Even more importantly, she has put Jesus at the center of her life. He is her anchor and friend, and she shares her faith with others.

I’m very grateful that God brought Eve into my life, and that I was able to add my piece into the mosaic of her life. This experience taught me the importance of giving, and that giving of our time can sometimes have a greater impact than we can imagine.

  1. Matthew 10:8