You might feel that your life isn’t very important or that what you do doesn’t add up to much in the bigger scheme of things. But each player on My team is important, and I need you to do your part to be My salt and light in the world, whether it seems great or small to you (Matthew 5:13-16). The important thing is that you put your whole heart into whatever you do, and you give it all you’ve got (Ecclesiastes 9:10).

In many sports, the teams are large, and not every player gets a lot of playing time, and some roles may seem less important than others. I told My early followers that “the last will be first and the first will be last” (Matthew 20:16). Many people will be surprised to learn the great importance of their seemingly small everyday acts of love and compassion in the advancement of My kingdom.

Everything that happens in your life is for a purpose and is an opportunity to make choices that matter. Choices made in love for Me and others will last into eternity—including the unseen everyday choices to love, show compassion, give generously, and care for those around you.