I’ve always had a busy mind and a quick mouth. When I was younger, I used it as a self-preservation mechanism to deflect attention from my own lacks or faults. I found myself being the “funny guy” in my group of friends, and that quickly progressed into being the one who poked holes in others’ humor, presentations, or ideas. I thought it was all in fun because I was “only kidding” or because I felt justified due to a situation that had angered me; yet looking back, I’m sure it frequently did much more harm than I realized.

Then one day I was talking with a friend when the topic turned to the power of words—specifically, how what one says in passing can stick in another’s mind for a long, long time. Suddenly, flashback upon flashback flooded into my mind—unkind remarks made to me over the years that still negatively affect how I look at myself today and that make some areas of my life a struggle to face or to have confidence in. Most were spoken in passing, or by someone who I doubt even remembers what they said—but I remember, and it still hurts.

Then I realized anew that words truly are real things; they have power. Whether we’re laughingly “kidding,” quietly nasty, or fiercely angry, the Bible warns us that “the tongue is a fire” and that even though “the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire!” 1. I’m ashamed to acknowledge the many times I could have encouraged another person but instead I chose to tear them down through my pride or sarcasm. I know that my words, harmless as they might have seemed to me, may have been deeply hurtful to them, and I wish I could take them all back.

So now I take a stand to bring my thoughts more into captivity—and not only my thoughts, but my words as well 2. I want to be known as a man who is kind, caring, and thoughtful, and who makes people feel better. I want to speak words of life and love. My fire might still rage out of control now and then, but with Jesus and the water of His Word daily by my side, I will be able to warm others, not scorch them.

  1. James 3:5–6
  2. 2 Corinthians 10:5