We all face times in our lives when we feel overwhelmed by hardships. We are beset by difficulties, economic worries, or health problems. As we confront one obstacle after another, life can seem to be conspiring against us. We can become befuddled and confused to the point that we begin to doubt God’s good design for our lives. But it’s important to remember that though our challenges may seem insurmountable, they do not have the final word. The key to overcoming adversity is within our reach. It is trusting in the “God factor”—God’s intervention in our lives.

“With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God,” Jesus told His disciples (Mark 10:27). God’s divine authority and omnipotence can alter any circumstance or give us the grace to meet the challenge at hand! With God, the impossible becomes possible. Faith in God and His promises turns the tide.

Let’s say we are at wit’s end. We haven’t a clue where to even begin to work on a complicated issue. We feel trapped in a corner and incapable of what is expected of us. That’s where the God factor comes in. Though we are not usually aware of His constant presence, suddenly He intervenes, and we begin to see the way out. Things begin moving in the right direction, we find solutions, and the problem is eventually resolved.

Have you ever experienced a difficult situation only to realize later that the problem had become a blessing in disguise? If your answer is yes, then you have witnessed the God factor.

Remember that God is sovereign over every situation. He is the God of miracles, the God of extraordinary circumstances, the God of the impossible. He is the God who walks with us through every dark valley. This isn’t wishful thinking, it is about applying faith to our reality and watching the Almighty work all things together for good for us (Romans 8:28).

This issue of Activated contains several accounts of the marvelous way God can work in our lives. Let’s dive into this fascinating subject and explore its many facets. Our hope is that as you journey through life you will always remember the God factor.