Ahead lies a world of new minutes, new hours, new days, new weeks, new months. On this threshold of the new year, so much is new and fresh. Your past sins and mistakes are washed away by My love and forgiveness. 1

I won’t promise that the new year will be easy, but I do promise to be with you through the challenges and strengthening experiences that it will bring.

I am your Good Shepherd and you will not lack for anything that is within My will to give you.

I will bring you to green pastures and restore your spirit every time it is weary and tired, and let you rest beside still and peaceful waters.

I will lead you in the paths of My righteousness, with My truth and promises by your side—because you need to be strong and able in Me.

Even if you walk through dark valleys, or face the possibilities of danger to your body or spirit, or endure deep and trying experiences, I will give you the power to not fear; I will grant you the ability to rise above those circumstances.

I will be with you through everything—the hard times and the happy times. I will instruct and guide you and comfort you in times of trial.

My goodness and mercy and love and strength will follow you everywhere! You will dwell in My house forever—first My spiritual house on earth, and then forever with Me in heaven. 2

Happy New Year!

  1. See Isaiah 1:18.
  2. See Psalm 23.