- Spend quality time in God’s Word.1 Read it, listen to it, memorize it, meditate on it. “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.”2
- Read accounts of divine intervention. Accounts of answered prayer, both in the Bible and in modern-day settings, put “skin” on God’s promised help. What He has done for others, He can do for you.
- Trust in God’s promises. As you study the Word, make a list of verses that contain promises from God concerning certain circumstances; trust in God to fulfill His promises according to His will when you pray.
- Stay positive. Look at difficulties, obstacles, and challenges as opportunities to stretch your faith.
- Take your problems and questions to God in prayer. God says, “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”3 As you learn to work more closely with God to find solutions and answers, you will become more aware of His ever-present love and help.
- Embrace change. Major changes of circumstance can be unsettling and uncomfortable, but they also create a great environment for faith to blossom as we are compelled to seek God and trust Him for the outcome. Each time you do so, you learn to trust Him to get you through the next time of change.
- Pray in faith, trusting God for the outcome. When you thank God for working in the situation even before you see the answers to your prayers, it takes the focus off of the need at hand and puts it on God’s care for your every need.
- Keep a prayer log detailing what you prayed for and when, and then make a note of how your prayers were answered.
- Commit every care and decision to God. As we acknowledge God in all our ways and ask that His will be done in the situation or difficulty we are facing, we can trust in Him for the outcome, even when it is different from what we had prayed for.
- Make Word-based decisions. As you learn to operate according to the principles and promises of God’s Word, your faith will be increased and your trust in Him will grow as you take other needs to Him in prayer.
- Testify of God’s power to others. Telling others about how God has helped you will strengthen your faith and theirs.