The things we need to know, God tells us, and sometimes the things we want to know, He tells us; but often He throws a veil over the future so that it is known only to Him. In any case, regardless of what we know or don’t know, He’s promised to never leave nor forsake us. “I am with you always,” He says, “even to the end of the age.” 1 And He’s given us the torch of His Word to show us where our path is going. We can always throw the light of God’s Word on the path ahead. 2

The Bible says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” 3 So whenever a situation is uncertain and I’m not exactly sure if something is God’s will and whether He’s going to work it out or not, I always pray, “Lord, You’re still the boss and You’re still God, and if things don’t work out just the way I expect or the way I hope or the way I’m pushing for, if that’s not what You want me to do, if You have some other idea and You’re going to accomplish something maybe even better, or maybe teach me a lesson I need to learn, or whatever Your purpose is, help me to just do what You want me to do.”

It’s better to leave your mind open to whatever God wants you to do. Ordinarily, it’s something that’s reasonable and logical and just common sense. But sometimes God does things that aren’t according to our natural expectation. In those cases, we need to be willing to trust Him, even if He seems to change His mind or things don’t turn out how we thought they would.

We may not know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future!

The blank sheet

            Many people are more concerned about having God hear what they have to say than they are about hearing what God has to say. They’re trying to put their program across on God and get Him to sign His name to their program. I heard someone say one time, “Are you willing, not to present your program to God for His signature, not even to be presented with God’s program for your signature, but are you willing to sign a blank sheet of paper and let God fill it in without your even knowing what His program is going to be?” —David Brandt Berg

  1. Matthew 28:20
  2. See Psalm 119:130.
  3. Psalm 119:105