When I started mapping out my goals five years ago, achieving them seemed daunting. But I claimed the promise, “Faithful is he [God] that calleth you, who also will do it,” 1 and with His help, I went forward. My plan was to write and create thousands of pages of good-quality faith-building books for children.

Here are the difficulties I was facing:

  • Caring full time for my young children with special needs meant I hardly had any time to call my own
  • Lack of professional training
  • No relatives living nearby for hands-on help
  • Health-related challenges
  • Limited resources

I did have some assets, however:

  • Equipment: a laptop and Internet connection, a dictaphone, and a camera
  • A supportive husband
  • Children with an endless craving for new stories
  • Friends who supported my project and who helped all they could by writing, proofreading, or contributing art and photography 

I came up with the following methods for tackling the job:

  • Prayer and more prayer, and enlisting the prayer support of others (When I pray, things happen. When I don’t, and instead think progress will happen naturally, things come to a standstill.)
  • Thomas Edison once credited his success to “not looking at the clock.” Whenever there was a moment to spare—even just a couple of minutes—I jumped in and got working, regardless of my mood or the time of day or night.
  • Visualizing the end goal and being convinced that it could be achieved
  • Learning as I went, by considering the observations, concerns, and suggestions given by my children, reviewers, professionals, old-time friends, and even people I had never met in person but who had gotten in touch online
  • Keeping my focus
  • Staying positive and content, finding the opportunities that await me, discovering something new each day
  • Not setting hard plans, because those tended to fall through, but letting Jesus lead me each step


Over 1,200 files (many thousands of pages) of new books for all ages, illustrated stories, posters, educational material, and more, are completed and available on my website. The dream of having a wealth of refreshing input and inspiring learning aids at people’s fingertips is a reality—and one that is enhanced each day.

  1. 1 Thessalonians 5:24 KJV