What is life all about? What am I here for? Is there a purpose, a plan for me? And if so, what is it? Questions such as these have stirred the soul and imagination of humankind throughout the ages. Regardless of our nationality, social status, ethnicity, or creed, people the world over seek the same things—ultimate truth, meaning, love, happiness, and peace of mind.

In today’s ever-changing and increasingly complex and fast-paced interconnected world, more and more people find themselves caught up in the frenzied rush to become successful or make ends meet financially. They often have little time to ponder seemingly abstract matters such as the meaning of life or the eternal destiny of their own souls.

But as the years pass, people often find that the pressures of life and trying to meet all their commitments have filled them with stress and anxiety, not peace or satisfaction. Their private lives often suffer as a result, as they’re unable to find enough time to spend with family or friends or develop lasting relationships.

This world and all its material goods and fleeting pleasures can never answer the big questions of life. Material things may satisfy temporarily, but they can never satisfy the eternal longing of the soul for truth, purpose, and meaning.

When a personal crisis or tragedy strikes—an unexpected accident or critical illness, a death in the family, a great personal loss of any kind—all the achievements and goods of this world can do little to bring or restore hope. It is during such times that people frequently realize that the true values of life—love, purpose, and eternal destiny—are what ultimately matter.

The Bible tells us that God is a loving Father who loves each human being uniquely and created this beautiful world. The most obvious proof that a divine Creator exists is the world and universe around us, the visible, natural creation.

When you gaze into the heavens on a clear night, beholding the stars, planets, and wonders of the cosmos, it’s all crying out, “There is a God! Look at the wonders He has made!” God’s entire creation is a constant testimony not only of His existence, power, and majesty, but also of His love, concern, and care for us in giving us such a beautiful world to live in.

As the divine Creator, God is the only one who can give meaning to the universe, purpose to the planets, love to our hearts, peace to our minds, health to our bodies, rest to our spirits, and joy to our souls. God is not some faraway uninterested being. He is a God who is personal, who has a relationship with His creation. He is interested in each one of us as individuals.

Through belief in Jesus Christ, we become God’s children. He communes with us, abides in us, and loves us. The Bible tells us that “God so loved the world [you and me], that He gave His only Son [Jesus], that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Jesus will freely forgive you all your sins and grant you eternal life in heaven if you will invite Him into your heart.

Receive Him now by sincerely praying a prayer like the following:

Dear Jesus, thank You for dying for me so I can have eternal life. Please forgive me for every wrong and unloving thing I have ever done. Come into my heart, give me Your gift of eternal life, and help me to know Your love and peace. Amen.