
Faith for the tough seasons of life
Life is hard, there’s no question about it. But there is someone you can turn to when you need a friend. There is someone who will be there for you in the bad times as well as the good. This is the one who the... »

What does it all mean?
What is life all about? What am I here for? Is there a purpose, a plan for me? And if so, what is it? Questions such as these have stirred the soul and imagination of humankind throughout the ages. Regardless o... »

To you—with love
—A message from Jesus You are My child and I love you. It’s just that simple. You have an eternal spirit living within you, and I know you and everything about your life and experiences, and I care for you. You... »

Who is Jesus?
He came to earth as a helpless baby, born to a humble young woman who miraculously conceived the child. Although ordained and predestined to be the King of kings, He was not born in a palace with the honor and... »

The ultimate Christmas gift
The Bible tells us that “God is Spirit” and “God is love” (John 4:24; 1 John 4:8). He is the great Creator who created you and me, this beautiful world, and the entire universe. Then, to show us His love and to... »

Does God exist?
This is one of the most important questions a person can consider in life. Your belief regarding God’s existence will powerfully influence your views on the meaning of life, humanity, and ultimate destiny. Some... »