Never think that I’m far from you. Never think that I’ll tire of you. I don’t judge you by how much you accomplish or by what good works you do. I don’t compare you with others. I look at your heart and the love you have for Me and others. Those are the important things in My eyes—not your good works or efforts for self-improvement.

Please don’t compare yourself to a standard that I haven’t set for you. My love isn’t measured out in portions, according to how much you think you give to Me or do for Me. My love is free and abundant.

I’ve loved you from the beginning, and I will love you to the end of your days, and beyond—through eternity! As you live your life for Me and experience My love for you daily, you will see how infinite it is‚ how free-flowing it is. I want you to accept it as is. Don’t even try to comprehend it, for it is above your thoughts and human understanding. Just know and accept that it’s there, that it’s never-ending, and then let it change you, mold you, and inspire you to give to others also.