Finding God
Trying to describe God can be a challenging prospect. There are so many sides to His personality, and He’s so much greater and more profound than we’ll ever be able to gr... »
Trying to describe God can be a challenging prospect. There are so many sides to His personality, and He’s so much greater and more profound than we’ll ever be able to gr... »
A mother once took her young son, who was just beginning to learn to play the piano, to hear the world-famous pianist Jan Paderewski in concert. After an usher showed the... »
Over forty years later, this episode from a holiday in Scotland is still vivid in my mind. That morning, my friend Adrian and I set out from the youth hostel in Fort Will... »
I was driving home one night with the windows rolled down, the wind making a mess of my hair. The radio was playing, but I was mostly absorbed in my own thoughts—that is,... »
I love Psalm 23. Perhaps it’s because I especially love the verses about being in calm, beautiful, and peaceful situations: “He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He... »
Resting in the Lord[See Psalm 37:7.] is putting your weight down on Jesus and spending time in deep communion and fellowship with Him so that He can infuse you with stren... »
I’m semi-retired but still enjoy an active and full life. Looking back over the past year, I can see the benefits I’ve gained from spending quiet time with God in the mor... »
“Commotion” comes to mind when I think of him. I can’t forget the first time I met him. I was in synagogue for the regular Sabbath service. Judit is an elderly widow who... »
God isn’t a complete mystery; He’s told us lots about Himself in His Word. Pull up a chair and hear what He has to say. We won’t find out everything,[See Deuteronomy 29:2... »
It saddens Me that so many people are content to just let life pass them by. They may be busy keeping up or trying to get ahead, or they may fill every spare moment with... »