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Grace to keep on loving

Grace to keep on loving

Keith Phillips

In one of the most powerful and poetic chapters of the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13, the apostle Paul describes the sort of love Christians are meant to embody: “Love suffers... »

Plucking feathers

Plucking feathers

Joyce Suttin

In my childhood farmyard in Pleasant Hill, New York, we always had an abundance of chickens roaming around looking for worms and bugs, scratching the ground for seeds, an... »



Phillip Lynch

I used to have my own definitions of longsuffering and patience. Longsuffering was putting up with something, and patience was putting up with nothing. The one was expres... »

Life happens

Life happens

Marie Alvero

Sometimes, at the most unexpected times, we get little revelations that clarify perspective, give insight, and recharge our faith. I got one of those the other day. It ha... »

Creating space

Creating space

Iris Richard

I decided “better late than never” and ventured into something new and long overdue: at age 50-plus, I registered for lessons at a local driving school. To my horror, dur... »

Why is God taking so long?

Why is God taking so long?

Question: I’ve been looking for a new job, but so far without success. If I have prayed and am doing my part, why isn’t God helping me? Answer:   The way God works in our... »

The marriage mirror

The marriage mirror

Marie Boisjoly

“Mari-i-i-i-ie!” My husband Ivo’s stressed voice rings through the house. “Where did you say my green shirt was again?” “It’s in the closet, on the left side, between you... »

Battered sails

Battered sails

Tina Miles

After an intense period of work a few months back, I had been looking forward to taking some time off. I knew I needed to think about my future and plans in conjunction w... »

Not every wave is worth riding

Not every wave is worth riding

David Bolick

With no other employment options at the time, my situation was not a happy one. My boss was making my life miserable. He was self-centered, ill-mannered, and crude; yet,... »

Morning calm

Morning calm

Abi May

The Bible contains a lot of guidance for how to spend our time and energy: We’re to love and help others,[See John 15:12; Matthew 19:21.] share the good news of God’s lov... »

Reality check

Reality check

If you’re like most people today, you’re used to moving fast and expecting quick results. The problem with that—or at least part of the problem—is that what was enough ye... »