Life can be so incredibly busy, and that can hinder our spiritual lives. It can be a struggle to find the time to commune with God, to spend time in His presence and in His Word. It’s as if there is a strong gravitational force that keeps us tethered to the burdens of daily life, making it increasingly difficult to stop and enter His presence, where we could find the spiritual strength and stamina to gracefully handle the burdens of life.

This in turn can affect our conviction to share our faith with others. When we’re too busy, when the anxieties of life and concern about our own needs weigh heavily upon us and we’re not allowing God to carry those, it becomes too easy to forget that there are others around who have many of the same and often much heavier burdens than we do. And yet, unlike us as believers, they don’t know God.

No matter what our situation, we have God helping us through it. But so many don’t know about Him, and consequently don’t have the reassurance of His presence, the inner peace that He loves them, and the faith that they will live with Him forever. And there are some who may never know, unless we tell them.

Let’s pray that we don’t become secluded in our blessings, looking inward, being overly concerned about ourselves and our own needs. Rather, let’s ask God to help us be sensitive to the fact that the people He brings us in touch with are made in His image and likeness, and that He loves and died for each one of them.

Dear God, fill me with Your Spirit, compassion, and love, so I can speak as You would. Better yet, I ask that You will speak to people through me. May Your gentle words of love, Your understanding, care, concern, and truth flow through me as Your channel, from Your heart to theirs.

Enlighten the darkest corners of their hearts with Your light and love. Bring them rest in place of struggle, peace in place of worry, happiness in place of grief. Replace their anxiety with comfort, their fears with faith. And when it’s Your will, use me to help make this happen.