It’s human nature to equate happiness with a problem-free existence. But if you allow circumstances to dictate your level of happiness, you will be constantly bracing yourself for the next letdown or problem, and you will find you aren’t able to enjoy life to the full.

The happiness I offer isn’t dependent on circumstances, which change like the weather. Rather, it’s determined by My presence and My promises, which never change. Circumstances don’t change eternal realities. Many people are enslaved by worries about tomorrow and the future. As God’s child, your future destiny is already assured. You have received the promise of eternal life and love and everlasting joy and peace.

Remember the words I spoke to My first followers: “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”1 You can’t avoid the problems of life, but you can rise above them and live in My joy. You can’t have everything I have promised and planned for you just yet, but you can have a foretaste of it. As you spend time communing with Me in prayer and studying My Word, you will take on My perspective on life. You will not only be better prepared for its inevitable ups and downs, but you will be overflowing with My joy.2

  1. John 16:33
  2. See John 15:11.