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Daily needs

Daily needs

Ronan Keane

When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, only one of the things He told them to ask for was a physical need—“Give us this day our daily bread.” [[Matthew 6:11]] All the r... »

A stray mushroom

A stray mushroom

Avi Bauer

Chopping vegetables for dinner, I twice caught a stray mushroom before it rolled from the cutting board off the counter. You’re so good to me, God! I thought. Somewhere e... »

The Bread of life

The Bread of life

“I am the bread of life” [[John 6:35]] is one of the seven “I Am” statements of Jesus. … Bread is considered a staple food—i.e., a basic dietary item. … Bread is such a b... »

Salted cucumbers

Salted cucumbers

Akio Matsuoka

A friend of mine was showing me the large number of old cucumbers she was planning to preserve in salt. “Are old cucumbers all right to eat?” I asked. “These are quite dr... »

Setting the menu

Setting the menu

Peter Amsterdam

Christians who are interested in spiritual growth recognize that spending time taking in and absorbing God’s Word is of utmost importance. It is within the Bible that we... »

The King’s banquet

The King’s banquet

Rosane Pereira

My mother often cooked something special on Sundays. I can still remember the big open window in the living room, the unfolded table spread in the center, the delicious f... »

Feed me

Feed me

Abi May

“It’s not fair! They’re getting more than we are.” “Things are tough enough as it is. How come they’re being favored?” “What’s the difference between us? Only our languag... »

Thanksgiving takeaway

Thanksgiving takeaway

Julie Vasquez

The day before Thanksgiving, I saw an article about a “Turkey Operation” here in Austin, Texas. The organization was calling for volunteers to help serve and pack meals f... »

Necessary food

Necessary food

Abi May

Food is one of the most basic needs of humanity, so it makes sense that food would make an early entrance in the account of God’s dealings with us. In Genesis, plants and... »

Hungry and Thirsty

Hungry and Thirsty

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” [[Matthew 5:6]] “Those who seek me diligently will find me.” [[Proverbs 8:17]] “You... »