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When I was a little girl, I went to my first circus. There, before my awestruck eyes, were three rings in full action—performing animals in one, and acrobats leaping and... »

The Promises of God

The Promises of God

I can never forget the day when it dawned upon my consciousness as a reality, a fact, that the promises of the Bible are practical, that they could be applied to my every... »

Wings from weights

Wings from weights

There is a beautiful stained glass window in the historic Wesley’s Chapel in London, inscribed with these words: “If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the utt... »

Being rich toward God

Being rich toward God

Virginia Brandt Berg

Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”[[Matthew 6:21]] Some people quote that as “Where your heart is, there will your treasure be also.” Bu... »

Renewing your mind

Renewing your mind

Virginia Brandt Berg

I once talked with a woman who said she tried very hard to think only positive thoughts, but she was never able to keep it up for long. Even when she managed to appear op... »

Be still

Be still

Virginia Brandt Berg

I needed to urgently get in touch with a woman whose address I didn’t have, and every part of my being seemed to throb with anxiety. I felt as though I would fly to piece... »

The measure of faith

The measure of faith

A friend of mine asked the manager of a supermarket if he had ever cashed a bad check for a stranger. “No, I never did,” he said, “because I never look at the check—I loo... »

Beginning again 

Beginning again 

Virginia Brandt Berg

I’m glad to say there is such a place as The Land of Beginning Again, and you can find it, no matter who you are or what your past has been. You’ll find that place in the... »

Put God on the spot

Put God on the spot

Virginia Brandt Berg

After you have asked God for something, take action. Act on your faith. Put feet to your prayers by taking steps toward your goal. When I was the pastor of a church in Wa... »

Reserved for Him

Reserved for Him

Virginia Brandt Berg

Some of the loneliest people are surrounded by others, yet they feel that no one understands them.—That is, the real person that they are. They long for someone to share... »

God with us

God with us

Virginia Brandt Berg

Some people cannot understand how God could have come down and been wrapped in human flesh. That isn’t strange to me, though. In fact it is quite easy for me to believe,... »