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Getting Closer

Getting Closer

Uday Paul

On a recent trip to Greece, I visited the Areopagus in Athens. Thousands of years ago, this rocky knoll was the site of a judicial court that had extensive authority over... »

Less Is Better

Less Is Better

Uday Paul

I vividly remember the day in my early twenties when I was sitting in the comfortable living room of my upper-middle class home and felt a void and restlessness within me... »

All things to all people

All things to all people

Uday Paul

The Bible tells us, “Do not be shaped by this world.”[[Romans 12:2 NCV]] It also tells us to “become all things to all people.”[[1 Corinthians 9:22 ESV]] At first glance,... »

The right path

The right path

Uday Paul

A friend of mine told me about an incident that occurred after he attended a Bible study and was driving home. While he was stopped at a traffic light, a delivery boy on... »

Less is better

Less is better

Uday Paul

I vividly remember the day in my early twenties when I was sitting in the comfortable living room of my upper-middle class home and felt a void and restlessness within me... »

Free course

Free course

Uday Paul

“The word of God is not bound!”[[2 Timothy 2:9]] the apostle Paul wrote to his young friend Timothy while he was in prison in Rome awaiting his execution. After the Great... »

A pilgrim’s journey

A pilgrim’s journey

Uday Paul

My favorite railway in the world is Australia’s Indian Pacific. The line runs between Sydney on the east coast to Perth on the west coast, traversing a whole continent an... »

Why change?

Why change?

Uday Paul

Walking around my hometown in India where I grew up and have spent most of my life, I am intrigued by how much the city has changed over the years. What was once a small... »

Forbidden fruit

Forbidden fruit

Uday Paul

In his classic autobiography Confessions, Saint Augustine, a theologian of the early church, narrates an incident which happened when he was a teenager. There was a pear... »

A new identity

A new identity

Uday Paul

One of my favorite movies is the 1967 classic Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner. The movie was released at a very sensitive period in American history when race relations were... »

A sure foundation

A sure foundation

Uday Paul

Recently I was thinking about how the collapse of the American stock market in 1929 toppled the world’s financial and economic systems one after the other. Businesses, in... »

After the bullets stopped

After the bullets stopped

Uday Paul

I was going through a tough period. People who had offended me were frequently on my mind, and I found myself almost exploding with resentment and anger. The only thing b... »

A thrilling encounter

A thrilling encounter

Uday Paul

I still remember that day. It was the early 80s and I was a teenager sitting in the back seat of our car. Somebody at a stop light handed my parents some beautiful color... »