Why I don’t fear the future
I’ve talked with lots of people who are afraid of the future. Even though the Bible teaches us from beginning to end about God’s power and plan to protect His own no matt... »
I’ve talked with lots of people who are afraid of the future. Even though the Bible teaches us from beginning to end about God’s power and plan to protect His own no matt... »
My small elementary school had the most amazing gardener we all called “Uncle Silas.” He could make one of those “picture-book gardens” with tomatoes, beans, cabbage, and... »
My favorite taste is sour—sour candies, pickles, anything with lemon, sour cherries, you name it—I love it! Some people may prefer savory, or sweet—or the newcomer to the... »
I’m a big fan of Mike Donehey, the lead singer of Tenth Avenue North, and host to their video journal on YouTube. He often shares how he receives inspiration for songs he... »
Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The world provides enough for every man’s need but not for every man’s greed.” It’s easy to say things like, “The rich should really give to th... »
There are two opposite attitudes in life. Some people’s motivational attitude inspires them to work harder and be better. They also have a knack for inspiring others to b... »
Imagine if you could go back in time and relive any moment in your life. What decisions would you make differently? What specific moments would you enjoy again? With whom... »
We build our work with our attitudes and actions day by day. Here are some thoughts to keep in mind if we want to excel in our jobs. Volunteer. In the old folk tale of th... »
Most people have heard the acronym “YOLO” thrown around for the past couple of years. It stands for “you only live once.” Pop stars and celebrities have made it a catchph... »
I read an interesting self-help article called “Take Charge of Your Life in Just One Hour,” [[Fairlady, April 2013]] by Anna Rich. It stood out to me because the advice w... »
It’s second nature for some people to have faith and show trust in God. They somehow see the good in difficult people or trying situations. To them, the glass is always h... »
If you’re like me, you have an idea of what the perfect Christmas should be like. Maybe you have a mental picture of the perfect tree and decorations, somewhere ideal to... »
The best high-and-low experience I had was when I was living in Uganda and joined a mission to the former child soldiers in Gulu, the same kids you see in the movie, Mach... »