Heroes of the Faith: Warts and All
One thing that seems to be unique to the Bible is how the “heroes of faith”—with the exception of Jesus, of course—were far from perfect men and women. As the saying goes... »
One thing that seems to be unique to the Bible is how the “heroes of faith”—with the exception of Jesus, of course—were far from perfect men and women. As the saying goes... »
When I first began reading the Bible, a word that captured my attention was “lovingkindness.” I felt warm inside when I read passages like the following: “I will betroth... »
One part of the Nativity story that has held particular fascination for me is the visit of the wise men, also known as the magi. Matthew is the only Gospel that mentions... »
One of the best-known stories in the Bible is also one of the strangest. Nearly everyone, it seems, knows about Jonah and the whale. It’s a Sunday school favorite. But it... »
I’ve often wished I had a truckload of money that I could use to help others. There are many people I know who need financial help for one thing or another, and it would... »
“Disciple Making: Training Leaders to Make Disciples,” [[© 1994 by Billy Graham Center Institute of Evangelism]] cites an imaginary report to Jesus from the Jordan Manage... »
The prisoner dictated a letter to some of his dearest friends hundreds of miles away in another country. He told them that he was in chains—most likely chained to his jai... »
I dislike cold, icy, snowy winters. That is a big reason I was happy living in Mexico for many years. But now my wife and I are in Canada, and yesterday it snowed. It is... »
One thing that seems to be unique to the Bible is how the “heroes of faith”—with the exception of Jesus, of course—were far from perfect men and women. As the saying goes... »
Jack sank deeper into his seat in the cold train carriage and pulled his hat down over his ears. He and his fellow passengers had been stranded there for several hours al... »
I used to have my own definitions of longsuffering and patience. Longsuffering was putting up with something, and patience was putting up with nothing. The one was expres... »
There is an adage, “Good is the enemy of best.” The point is that settling for something that is merely good may mean that something better is never attained. It seems to... »