If you were told that a brand-new splendid home was yours, bought and paid for, would you believe it? What if it was guaranteed in writing? Wouldn’t you believe it then, and wouldn’t you want to find out where your new home was located and what it looked like? Wouldn’t you ask about the view, the neighbors, the climate, and every other detail you could think of? Wouldn’t you start dreaming of the day you would move in? And how do you suppose that news would change your life and priorities in the meantime?

Well, someone has promised you such an eternal home—Jesus—and He has put it in writing. “In My Father’s house are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am, there you may be also.”1 If you have received Jesus, it’s all yours—no payments, no taxes, no upkeep. Sound too good to be true? Well, that’s just the beginning.

Even the most luxurious home won’t do you much good without good health and time to enjoy it, so God made provision for those too. “I am the resurrection and the life,” Jesus promises. “He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.”2 Eternal life in a new, supernatural body that is impervious to sickness, disease, or death is also part of the offer.3

And just as the best things in this life are shared, so it is in the next. You will be reunited with loved ones and friends to enjoy all of this and much, much more—gifts from your heavenly Father, who the Bible calls the very spirit of love.4

You can know that you will join Jesus in heaven after you die by praying this prayer:

Dear Jesus, thank You for dying for me for the forgiveness of my sins and for my salvation. Thank You for Your promise of an eternity with You. I invite You into my life and ask You to help me learn to follow Your ways and to love others. Amen.

  1. John 14:2–3
  2. John 11:25–26
  3. See 1 Corinthians 15:51–54.
  4. See 1 John 4:8.