You can find safety and serenity even in the midst of turmoil, when the proverbial winds of fear blow about you and the currents of worry threaten to sweep you away. That’s because I am the author of true peace. You can rely on Me in the middle of any storm, any disaster, any tragedy, or any disease that threatens to harm you or those you love.

I am concerned about every detail of your life. I am here for you even in the midst of difficulty. I want to give you faith and strength, comfort and reassurance. I also wish to help you be a calming influence on others.

Wonderful and supernatural peace, as well as protection, can be found by calling out to Me. You could pray something like this: “Jesus, I need peace of mind and heart. I need calm and trust in spite of what’s happening around me. I need stability. Please keep and protect me and those I care about. Please enter my heart, my spirit, and my life and fill me with calm, trust, and peace.”

If you ask Me, I will give you peace of heart and mind. My love will surround, keep, and care for you in natural and supernatural ways.

I will not only keep you through this present situation, but I will also help you to safely navigate the entire journey of life and all the experiences and tests and personal growth ahead of you while you’re on earth. I will take you by the hand and lead you in the ways of truth. I will answer your questions and provide help with your problems.

My love will ensure that you have a blessed passage through life—through all of its ups and downs and twists and turns—until you eventually join Me to live forever in My heavenly realm of eternal peace and love and happiness.

I’m always here for you,
