What can you give Me, the King of kings and Lord of lords, whose throne is Heaven and whose footstool is Earth? 1 What could you possibly give Me, the One who has everything? What could I possibly need?—Gifts from the heart. Any gift from the heart is a gift that I will treasure.

Each person is created with a unique blend of gifts, talents, and abilities. Some appear to be natural abilities—a quick or inquisitive mind, an aptitude for a certain skill or type of work, for example. Some gifts are clearly manifested in the physical, such as charisma. Others are gifts that often go unnoticed but can actually take you even further, such as the gifts of humility, optimism, compassion, and self-sacrifice. And then there is one of the greatest gifts of all: the ability to give and receive love. This is a gift that everyone receives a measure of, and it’s part of having been created in God’s image. Whatever your gifts, they work together to make you special to Me.

All of these gifts have been given to enrich your life and the lives of others, but what you do with them and how much you do with them is up to you. Nothing makes Me happier than to see you use them to benefit others and make them happy. When you do, the most wonderful thing happens: your gifts and talents grow, they are multiplied, and that love that was your motivation spreads from heart to heart and comes back to you.

What can you give Me this Christmas and in the coming year? Use what you have, what you’ve already been gifted with, to the full. That will be the perfect present for Me.

  1. See 1 Timothy 6:15; Isaiah 66:1.