When you accept Me into your life and come to know Me, you come to experience profound and intense happiness. The apostle Peter described this as “joy unspeakable and full of glory.”1

When I died on the cross, I paid the price for the sins of the world—including every wrongful deed you have ever committed. And because I did that, whoever believes in and receives Me will live forever—and that includes you too. When you understand what that means, when you realize that all is forgiven, that I love you unconditionally, that I will be there for you through thick and thin, that I will never give up on you, and that no matter what turns this life may take, you can look forward to eternal happiness in a truly perfect world—now that is something to get happy and excited about!

You can find joy in knowing that the nagging problems and imperfections of this present world will soon pass away, and then everything will be made perfect in love. You come to that realization by focusing on Me and My power and My promises.

And if you experienced that joy in the past but have somehow lost it, you can regain it the same way. Just think about Me, all I have done for you, and all I have promised you. I told My first disciples, “These things have I spoken unto you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full,”2 and that same joy can be yours.

  1. 1 Peter 1:8 KJV
  2. John 15:11