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Prayer lunches

Prayer lunches

Elsa S.

When I was in the second semester of my first year in college, some Christian classmates and I started to feel concerned that our faith was getting buried amidst our assi... »

God’s trading hours

God’s trading hours

Chris Mizrany

If, like me, you’ve gotten to a store only to find that you’d misread their “open hours” sign and ended up staring morosely at locked doors, this is for you. I don’t ofte... »

A thrilling encounter

A thrilling encounter

Uday Paul

I still remember that day. It was the early 80s and I was a teenager sitting in the back seat of our car. Somebody at a stop light handed my parents some beautiful color... »

You are priceless to Me

You are priceless to Me

Message from Jesus

My love is unconditional. I love without partiality. I love the unlovely and the difficult to love. I love the sad and the lonely. I love those who are struggling and tho... »

Something new

Something new

Ronan Keane

Goodbye 2017 and hello 2018! Another year is behind us, and a brand-new year, brimming with possibilities, lies ahead. If last year was a difficult one, we may be glad to... »

The goodbye song

The goodbye song

Elsa S.

Not long ago, I worked as a receptionist in a museum. Every day, about five minutes before closing time, the sound system would play a slow, romantic song over the museum... »

Personal growth

Personal growth

All of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into... »

The most we can do

The most we can do

Rosane Pereira

In my turn-of-the year cleanup, I found an old yearbook. I smiled as I read down the very long list of my resolutions for that year. I guess I had high expectations of my... »

How to grow spiritually in the new year

How to grow spiritually in the new year

Q: Many of my friends are making resolutions for the new year, most of which involve some physical change such as losing weight or breaking a bad habit. While those are g... »

Brighter tomorrows

Brighter tomorrows

Irena Žabičková

What does one do when their hopes and dreams get shattered? What should one do to move forward from disappointment on to new hopes? These were the questions I asked mysel... »

It’s about time

It’s about time

Tina Kapp

Imagine if you could go back in time and relive any moment in your life. What decisions would you make differently? What specific moments would you enjoy again? With whom... »

Change for the better

Change for the better

Mag Rayne

It was one of those days when anything could make me angry. I was sad, irritable, made a big deal out of small inconveniences, and couldn’t stop thinking of negative outc... »

Choosing less

Choosing less

Marie Alvero

My husband and I spent a year in a small town in Tanzania. When I say a “small town,” I mean a town with two stoplights, no supermarket, no restaurants to speak of, only... »