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The Master’s secret

The Master’s secret

Ronan Keane

This year, we’ve seen an unprecedented number of lives upended by the COVID-19 health crisis, and far too many are still being impacted. Those who remained on the front l... »

Solving life’s puzzle

Solving life’s puzzle

Li Lian

For as long as I can remember, I never liked doing puzzles. Viewing thousands of sky-blue, nearly-identical little pieces scattered over a wooden table was enough to make... »

Time management

Time management

Peter Amsterdam

Time is one thing that you can never get back again. The Bible talks about “redeeming the time” or “making the best use of the time.”[[Ephesians 5:16 ESV]] That calls for... »

Growing through failure

Growing through failure

Elsa S.

It was the end of another long workday. In my first semester as an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher, each day brought dozens of new challenges, which I failed t... »

When at the bottom of the barrel

When at the bottom of the barrel

Iris Richard

The other morning I read a passage from Acts, where Paul, in his farewell speech to the church of Ephesus, talked about living life generously and working hard to make su... »

Stunted growth

Stunted growth

Peter Story

When I was a kid, I saw plenty of goldfish in the houses of my friends, and I remember wondering why so many people would want to keep such small, unexciting creatures as... »

Stress busters

Stress busters

Milutin Bunčić

Thousands of pages have been written about the subject of stress, so I wonder if there’s really anything new I could possibly say to help someone who is struggling with i... »



Sally García

“Can you teach English to my wife?” I heard a voice behind me say while I was picking out veggies at the open-air market in our neighborhood in Chile. I turned around to... »

The mystery of less

The mystery of less

Marie Alvero

Do you ever feel like, in order to meet your own expectations and those of others, you’d have to work relentlessly, push through the tired, ignore the stress—and you stil... »

Positive perks

Positive perks

Message from Jesus

When life gets to be too much, when everything around you seems to be falling apart, when you feel that nothing you do helps, think about Me. Think about how much I love... »

Soul renovation

Soul renovation

Ronan Keane

Oddly enough, whenever I’m at the dentist’s office, there always seems to be one of those home makeover shows playing on the TV in the waiting room. The sound is muted, b... »

From pun to prayer

From pun to prayer

Chris Mizrany

Today, while visiting a small town, I learned yet again that when God says “Jump,” I should ask, “How high?” He always knows best. I walked past a shipping depot and almo... »