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The ice house

The ice house

Joyce Suttin

Grandpa first introduced me to the ice house on his dairy farm when I was just a tot. After the cows were milked and the raw milk put into sterilized bottles in the cream... »

Heaven’s child

Heaven’s child

This is the story of our son Gabriel, who was born with Down syndrome and was truly a special child. Although Gabriel only lived on this earth for two years and four mont... »

The special

The special

Sandra felt as low as the heels of her Birkenstocks as she pushed against a cold winter gust and the florist shop door. Her life had been easy, like a spring breeze. Then... »

The art of encouragement

The art of encouragement

Marie Alvero

As I write this a very good friend of mine is struggling with wave after wave of hard news. Her husband has been laid off from a job he held for 27 years, she had a suspi... »

The sanctuary

The sanctuary

Message from Jesus

I see your struggles and hear your calls for help. When you feel all alone, I am with you. I feel your heartaches, and wait for you to draw near to Me in prayer. Come int... »

The plan

The plan

Ronan Keane

Perhaps you’ve heard the story of a young man who makes a million-dollar mistake in his company and is overwhelmed with stress and worry. A few days pass, and sure enough... »

Why don’t you give something?

Why don’t you give something?

Koos Stenger

When I first saw him coming down the street I was tempted to look away. He was ugly, dirty, and clearly asking for money. Maybe if I would just look the other way, he wou... »

Bible heroines

Bible heroines

Ronan Keane

In ancient Israel, men’s and women’s roles were clearly defined, with the women’s sphere traditionally being the household and everything pertaining to it, including the... »

A whole new world

A whole new world

George Sosich

Some degree of color blindness affects around 8% of men and less than 1% of women. The degree of disability ranges from mild inability to differentiate between certain co... »

Your heavenly abode

Your heavenly abode

Keith Phillips

If you were told that a brand-new splendid home was yours, bought and paid for, would you believe it? What if it was guaranteed in writing? Wouldn’t you believe it then,... »

The source of strength

The source of strength

Rosane Pereira

The book of Habakkuk is one of the shortest books in the Bible. It begins with the writer’s laments over Israel’s troubles but concludes with a beautiful affirmation of f... »

Hiding the scars

Hiding the scars

Steve Hearts

We all go through experiences in life that leave us with scars, and whether the scars are physical or emotional, we often try to hide them out of fear of what others migh... »