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Giving to others

Giving to others

Message from Jesus

Embrace new opportunities to give. Try to find something to give every day—whether a smile, a compliment, your time, a listening ear, a good meal, an item you don’t need,... »

Step by step

Step by step

Ronan Keane

A well-known story tells of a man who was walking along a beach at sunset and noticed a young boy in the distance who kept bending down, picking something up, and throwin... »

A channel

A channel

Elsa S.

I walked slowly into Japanese Conversation class and plopped wearily into my usual seat. In the last semester of college, fatigue and mental overload was taking its toll.... »

Kindness and goodness

Kindness and goodness

Peter Amsterdam

When the apostle Paul was writing about living a godly life, he listed what he called the “works of the flesh,” which included things like enmity, strife, jealousy, fits... »

Tree planters

Tree planters

For several years, I was part of a theater group that often performed the inspiring allegorical tale “The Man Who Planted Trees.” It’s the story of Elzéard Bouffier, an o... »

No regrets

No regrets

Ruth McKeague

One Monday morning, about an hour into the workday, I checked my emails. “Sad” was the subject heading of a personal message, and I opened it up, curiosity piqued. “Sad”... »

Your little light

Your little light

Marie Alvero

One Friday evening a few weeks ago, my husband and I decided to set out some lounge chairs in our driveway and let our neighbors know we would be out there with drinks an... »

Sharing your faith

Sharing your faith

Li Lian

Sharing our faith is something that many of us feel we should do but sometimes don’t know where to start. Here are some helpful tips I gathered from a topical Bible guide... »

Love takes time

Love takes time

Chandra Rees

My husband and I were traveling home after a long weekend away with our family. Our daughters were peacefully sleeping in the back seat, and I found myself reminiscing ov... »

Spread the love

Spread the love

Chris Mizrany

The Bible has lots of advice on the type of people to surround yourself with. “Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble,”[[Proverbs 13:... »

The source of joy

The source of joy

Message from Jesus

When you accept Me into your life and come to know Me, you come to experience profound and intense happiness. The apostle Peter described this as “joy unspeakable and ful... »

Why change?

Why change?

Uday Paul

Walking around my hometown in India where I grew up and have spent most of my life, I am intrigued by how much the city has changed over the years. What was once a small... »