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The lighthouse

The lighthouse

Message from Jesus

My Word is like the beacon of a lighthouse, shining in the darkness to guide vessels through the sometimes dark and stormy sea of life and into My safe harbor. I placed i... »

Being kind

Being kind

Ronan Keane

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been thinking a lot about the state of the world lately. The last few years have been anything but easy for most people, and intros to pr... »

Eve's piano dream

Eve's piano dream

Irena Žabičková

Several years ago, one of my neighbors was a shy 10-year-old girl with very inquisitive eyes and a big smile. One day, Eve mentioned her dream of learning to play the pia... »

The compassion game

The compassion game

Maria Fontaine

It’s natural to make assumptions about people. Sadly, what we tend to assume is often negative. Personally, I have seen how very easy it is to do this, and I often pray t... »

Grandma, grandpa, and the drumsticks

Grandma, grandpa, and the drumsticks

Li Lian

I knew a pair of grandparents whose home was furnished with antique armchairs, ornate flower arrangements, and burgundy carpets. Aside from being an experienced homemaker... »

Have courage and be kind

Have courage and be kind

Rosane Pereira

The 2015 adaptation of Cinderella portrays a young woman who lives her life by the motto that her parents taught her before they died: “Have courage and be kind!” While t... »

The best gift

The best gift

Keith Phillips

Life is filled with difficulties and challenges, and at one time or another we all find ourselves in some particularly desperate situation. These desperate situations cau... »

Here first

Here first

Jorge Solá

My three-year-old son was playing an educational game on the computer when his six-year-old sister demanded that he let her have a turn. His response was typical. “I was... »

Seeking to understand

Seeking to understand

Marie Story

The Prayer of Saint Francis says, “Master, let me not seek … to be understood, [but] to understand.” It’s not always easy to understand others. Each person comes with a d... »

How should a Christian react?

How should a Christian react?

Alex Peterson

How should a Christian react to wrong and evil?—Like Christ reacted in similar circumstances. Jesus chose to overcome evil with good, and so can we, as the Bible teaches... »

Cast a wide net

Cast a wide net

Marie Alvero

I love doing something kind when it really hits the spot. I will spend hours finding the perfect birthday gift to give a friend, or the exact right thing to say in a text... »

Ray of hope

Ray of hope

Message from Jesus

I can’t promise to spare you from the storms of life, but I can promise to be with you through them. My help may not always come in the form you expect, but it will alway... »