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Pausing to care

Pausing to care

Chalsey Dooley

I don’t know how she did it, but the cashier's eyes peered right into mine. I’d been discovered. I had tried to avoid eye contact as I was finishing the grocery shopping.... »



When I was a little girl, I went to my first circus. There, before my awestruck eyes, were three rings in full action—performing animals in one, and acrobats leaping and... »

Change the world

Change the world

Question: I’d like to do more to improve things around me, but I don’t feel there’s a lot I can do. Changing the world seems like such a huge task—how to know where to st... »

The unsung hero

The unsung hero

Abi May

The story of the boy who gave his lunch to the disciples to share with the multitude is well known.[See John 4:1–3.] Jesus took the two small loaves and five fishes, bles... »

Love at work

Love at work

Message from Jesus

There is a special happiness and contentment that comes from putting others and their needs above your own. When you’re doing something kind for someone, it doesn’t just... »

Grace to keep on loving

Grace to keep on loving

Keith Phillips

In one of the most powerful and poetic chapters of the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13, the apostle Paul describes the sort of love Christians are meant to embody: “Love suffers... »

Plucking feathers

Plucking feathers

Joyce Suttin

In my childhood farmyard in Pleasant Hill, New York, we always had an abundance of chickens roaming around looking for worms and bugs, scratching the ground for seeds, an... »



Phillip Lynch

I used to have my own definitions of longsuffering and patience. Longsuffering was putting up with something, and patience was putting up with nothing. The one was expres... »

Life happens

Life happens

Marie Alvero

Sometimes, at the most unexpected times, we get little revelations that clarify perspective, give insight, and recharge our faith. I got one of those the other day. It ha... »

Creating space

Creating space

Iris Richard

I decided “better late than never” and ventured into something new and long overdue: at age 50-plus, I registered for lessons at a local driving school. To my horror, dur... »

I can’t stand her!

I can’t stand her!

There are some people that we like more than others; and let’s face it, some people like us more than other people do. When I worked as a nurse in the emergency room of a... »