Recently I’ve been trying to read my Bible more. I’ve read through it cover to cover before, but something inspired me to read it again as part of a daily reading plan.

It was my Swiss Army knife.

Every night when I go to bed, I put my pocketknife, wallet, and phone on my bedside table, next to my Bible. One evening, I found myself musing over the similarities.

I use my pocketknife every day, and often multiple times a day. It has a knife, saw, can opener, scissors, corkscrew, and many other tools. Some of these, like my knife, I use practically every day, and some I use rarely. They are all quality tools, and whenever I do require them, they’re up to the task. They have a lifetime warranty.

The Bible is packed with tools for our use, and many of them I’ve left “folded away,” unused or even forgotten for some time. Not that I didn’t know their value before, but this little analogy helped me rediscover the joy of study, even when it’s tough.

A pocketknife needs cleaning, oiling, and sharpening to keep it in optimal condition. In the same way, our knowledge of the Bible needs continual updating, refreshing, and above all, use.

When I’m reading a passage now, I think of it as taking out another tool from my pocketknife, and making sure it’s sharp and ready to use. I want to trust each promise the way I trust those tools.

Whether I need to cut a branch that’s in the way1 or slowly thread a string to repair something,2 I’ve got the tools. If I need to trim away a little excess or finely divide some material,3 I’ve got the tools.

I pray that as time goes on, my Bible will become even more a part of me, and that I will use it to the full, as the Master Manufacturer intended.

It comes with an eternal warranty.

Jesus can forgive all your sins and give you a new start through His life, love, Spirit, and energy budding and blossoming inside you. Just open your heart and say:

Jesus, I receive You as my Lord and my Savior. Please forgive my sins and help me make a new start. Please fill me with Your Spirit and life. I want to believe in You and trust You, as well as love You. Please help me in the areas where I am lacking. Amen.

  1. See 2 Corinthians 10:5.
  2. See Ecclesiastes 4:12.
  3. See Hebrews 4:12.