You do well to take time with Me first thing in the morning, for without Me, you wouldn’t go far. I am wisdom, I am strength, and I am love.

As I told My disciples, you can find rest for your spirit and strength for the day in Me.1 It can be a temptation to carry on in your own energy rather than taking the time to pause and enter into the realm of My Spirit, but that’s not how you will be the most effective.  I have promised to renew the strength of all those who wait on Me.

We can be like two friends who are happy at the thought of just being in each other’s presence, even if no words pass between them. As you think about Me, turn your heart toward Me, and meditate on My goodness to you, you will enter into My presence.

So take time each morning to draw close to Me. Reach out to Me in prayer and reading My Word.

  1. See Matthew 11:28–30.