Many years ago, I was very bitter about a recent miscarriage. I had ignored the warning signs and I was heartbroken over the loss of my first child. I tumbled into an abyss of doubts and despair, and I was especially sensitive whenever someone mentioned my lost pregnancy.

One day, I was riding on a bus to meet up with my husband and found myself wallowing in grief and upset with God for bringing this loss into my life. I began counting the reasons not to trust Him. I could feel Him trying to comfort me but I resisted the urge to let Him.

Then I looked up. Several seats ahead of me a toddler stood up in his mother’s lap. He looked at me and smiled as our eyes met. His smile was so big and warm and loving that I felt God’s love through him, and immediately, my hope was renewed. I prayed and peace filled my heart. Less than a year later, I welcomed my own son into my life, but I’ve never forgotten that baby on the bus.

I remembered him the other day when my 16-month-old granddaughter scrambled onto my lap and kissed my face. It was so sweet, so pure, so loving. I’d been having a hard day and had been struggling to smile. Then her kiss turned my day around. All the love I’d shown her during the previous 16 months returned to me when I needed it most.

The Bible says “a little child shall lead them.”1 Little children teach us beautiful lessons of faith. They show us that when we give abundantly, we will receive abundantly. They help us focus on the simple things of life. We enjoy their innocent songs and stories, and it reminds us of a less complicated time. A little one’s smile can change our lives.

I am thankful for the blessings I’ve received through caring for little ones who taught me to stay simple, to be grateful, to stay positive and to have faith in my Father in heaven.

  1. Isaiah 11:6