Even if you lost the entire world but still held on to your faith, then you have ultimately lost nothing. If you have faith, no unscalable heights, no uncrossable rivers, no impregnable walls, and no tsunami of economic depression can pull you under or separate you from My love.1

Faith is the currency of the unseen world. Its exchange rate isn’t subject to economic fluctuations or stock market “corrections.” Faith’s intrinsic value is immeasurable. Faith can change your circumstances, conditions, and your outlook on life. It doesn’t disappear in any recession, pandemic, natural disaster, accident, or any other calamity. Faith can lift you up and out of any crisis, debt, or loss, even those of your own doing.

Your faith is securely placed in Me, because I will never let you down. Even when you face setbacks or seemingly insurmountable challenges, I can eclipse all loss and even bring good out of seeming defeat. I love you so much that I have promised that you will receive whatever you ask for—as long as it is good for you and within My will and plan—if you ask Me in faith.

If you would like to experience the inner peace and stability that only I can give, ask and you will receive so that your joy can be complete.2

  1. See Romans 8:35, 38–39.
  2. See John 16:24.