Years ago, my husband and I were missionaries in Foz do Iguaçu, a city in the south of Brazil. We did puppet shows with our children in schools and institutions to raise funds and to take the gospel to kids, teens, and older folks in a creative way.
There were some poor families in our neighborhood. Every week we would help them with fruits and vegetables we got from the market. One Christmas we had a little extra money, so we decided to share it with a poor family, as a holiday surprise. As we prayed about who to offer the gift to, we remembered a large Christian family; the father had just hurt his leg while working. Even though he didn’t lose his job, his employer couldn’t pay him during the two months of recovery when he couldn’t work.
We went to their house and presented the mother with the envelope. She opened it, and started to cry. Then she went quickly into the bedroom. We were puzzled and asked the older daughter what the problem was, but she didn’t have a clue.
Soon the mom came back, having wiped away her tears, and said: “Please forgive me and don’t leave yet. The children don’t know it, but we have received an ultimatum from the light company, and tomorrow is the last day to pay the late bill, or they will cut off our electricity. The money you brought us is the exact amount we need. These were tears of joy because this morning I prayed for God to do a miracle and supply the money, but I had no idea how He would do it. I want to thank you for being His instrument of mercy for us!’’
Later, when we had just had our third child, we were very low on finances, and we needed a baby carriage. While visiting friends, I told them about our need, and the woman said, “Wait a minute!” Then she went and got a baby carriage that had belonged to her young daughter; it was exactly the kind I had prayed for. She handed it to me with a smile and proclaimed, “Now I understand how God answers prayers. He touches the heart of someone who has something to share and that person gives it to those who need it!”
So true, isn’t it? If everyone would answer God’s call and share what they can with others in need, becoming instruments of God’s generosity, how much better this world would be!