Sometimes we find ourselves in a place where we can be a blessing to others, serve those in need, and share the gospel. Perhaps you are part of a mission that benefits your community and is well received.
At other times, however, we are in a situation where it feels there is little that we can do in this regard. I was there recently. My life was very busy. A demanding job. Studying for a degree. Family obligations and the rest of life in between. Most of my human interaction centered at my workplace, where I tried to be a listening ear and offer encouragement, counsel, and prayer when possible. Still, it seemed there wasn’t much to contribute beyond being a friend and helping to buoy those around me.
Fast-forward a few years. Now in a different country, I was thinking and praying about my next steps and looking for a new job. I wondered if there had been any lasting value from my time at my prior workplace. It had been costly in terms of stress and I wondered if I should have exited sooner. Had there been a purpose beyond collecting a paycheck? Building relational bonds with coworkers had been my motivation, but now I questioned whether I had made a difference at all.
I woke the next day to a text from one of my former coworkers who I hadn’t heard from for months. I’ll call her Carla. I had hired Carla at an entry-level position. Her story was heartbreaking. She’d faced challenges in nearly every area: financial, an estranged spouse, child custody issues, educational lacks, and more. Her prospects were not bright.
Over a five-year period, I coached her into a technical career path. She went back to school, achieved required certifications, and eventually moved into a good position with a promising path forward. There were trials and tears along the way, but she persevered, and I tried to support her through the downtimes and encourage her faith in the Lord.
Back to the text I got that morning. It read: “I want to thank you for everything. You helped me to be the person I am today. I appreciate everything you did for me. It’s all because of you, thank you.”
I was stunned. I had just been questioning whether I had made any difference, and here was my answer. Carla told me that her children are doing well, with broken relationships restored. She loves her job. She is finally in a happy relationship and on a new trajectory.
It was such a joy to be reminded that the small things, the encouragement, the prayer, the care and concern can make a difference. Of course, I know Jesus was hugely in the mix. I was able to give encouragement, motivation, and even instruction through His grace. It certainly wasn’t “all because of me,” but it is deeply rewarding to know that I played a part in even one person’s life turning around. It reminds me of how much the Lord loves each of us as individuals and cares about every aspect of our lives. He is patient and willing to put in the time to help bring us to a good place.
At times we may be called to serve in unlikely places or under challenging conditions. We may feel that we are having little effect. Regardless, we can be sure that wherever the Lord has led us, there is still service we can provide, even if it seems ordinary or of little consequence. No act of love, kindness, or generosity is too small for God to use, and every changed life, every family set on a new path, is a beautiful thing to celebrate and be part of.